This course is designed to provide an understanding of psychological problems involved in the teaching and learning environment and the practical application of psychological principles of teaching and learning. Topics include measurement, the nature of learning, and pedagogical approaches.
May 10, 2012
March 28, 2012
March 27, 2012
Based on the link, it helps student to learn history through different way which intend to increases the understanding about the subject. The link provides us with information that may be useful especially for students to learn better. Recently, for the history subject the education resource website consists with five items entitle with Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, history of Melaka, history of Perak, history of Malaysia, and history of Kedah. This link offers us with good materials which are related to the study. The items also well arranged and easy to access. Moreover, there are other subjects that make students easier to study and help to increase better understanding. Sudoku’s game also provide for students to play around during the study. The best part is, this link related directly to the education and training in Malaysia and Singapore, and it gives advantages to the student. However, this link does not provide us will all the materials that may be needed by the student and only some selected materials are available for the history subject. Some students also may find difficulty to understand more because not all materials are provides by this link.
March 24, 2012
Generally, curriculum is understood as all the learning that has been planned and guided by school whether it will be carried out individual or group and formal or informal. However, Habermas' Theory of Knowledge-Constitutive Interests (KCI) proposes 3 types of knowledge which are bound by certain human interest. There are empirical and analytic interest, historical and hermeneutics sciences and lastly is emancipatory interest. Grundy argues that Aristotle's disposition of techne, phronesis and praxis correspond to different forms of knowledge which then give rise to three different forms of curriculum which are technical, practical and critical.
In addition to that, curriculum as technical basically concern with producing a product according to certain planned activities. Curriculum as practical refers to the encouragement to always make the practice in order to make them more understand to perform good rather than correct. Besides that, there is also another curriculum that is mentioned by Habermas, which is critical. Curriculum as critical means to develop critical and creative individuals to form ideas in learning that can transform society to become more reliable. It also means that students can interchangbly change their role with teachers as both can develop each others potentials.
Three form of knowledge and their views of education. Technical is aiming to produce a person who are rational and skillful. It is a social reproduction. The knowledge is objective. Teachers as the implementer. Meanwhile, practical is aiming for person who are able to make meaning and practical. It is a social reconstruction. The knowledge are subjective and the teachers as a facilitator whereas critical aims to develop individuals to become critical and active. It is social transformation. The knowledge is consensual and based on reflection and self-interpretation teachers as a moderator or coordinator.
On the other hand, Islamic education can be defined in two ways which is taught subject and the curriculum. The first is when Islamic education means taught subject in the national school and the second is the curriculum of the Islamic religious schools. The point is to teach the process and not the product because if the end of Islamic education to develop good Muslims. The ‘technical’ view of education explains the failure of Islamic education in fulfilling its noble aim which is supposedly to produce ‘good’ Muslims. Yet, the advantage of ‘technical’ curriculum is power-knowledge relationship in which objective and scientific knowledge. In Islam, it seems to be the advancement of science and technology had challenge the concept of morality and spirituality.
Also, Kazmi (1999) has explained the Islamic education as personalized knowledge . He divided into theoretical and personalised knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is constitutive of Hebermas’ practical knowledge. Both of the knowledge distinct but complements each other. Teacher must be able to demonstrate the ability to understand, think critically, reflect and make good judgement.
Finally, in all level of education and knowledge, teachers are the most essential element. In terms of Islamic education, the concept of Murabbi plays crucial roles to teach the value of Islamic education. Murabbi not only teaches what she/he knows but need to practice the knowledge and be a good muslim in a daily life. As a example, Prophet Muhammad is the best Murabbi, because he has reached the level of the goodness in his life.
February 21, 2012
Music during lectures: Will students learn better?

SUMMARY: Experimental Study
This study focuses on the influence of music during learning to the academic performance. Aim to investigate how listening to music during learning influences the affective states of undergraduate students and their performance. It is hypothesized that learning with music would result in better exam performance due to the elicitation of positive affect. 249 undergraduates students were divided into a control group and an experimental group. Both groups attended the same multimedia presentation, with the addition of classical music for the experimental group. At the end of the lesson, both groups had to fill out a multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) in order to assess their learning of the lesson. As a result, MCQ score of the experimental group was higher compared to the control group. However, the limitation is that their MCQ-score might have been influenced by prior knowledge of the students which was not assessed beforehand. In conclusion, this study could help us to have valuable insight on the influence of the learning environment on academic outcome.
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February 20, 2012
Use of reinforcement practices in educational institutions and its impact on student motivation
SUMMARY: Descriptive Study
One of descriptive study about the use of reinforcement practices in educational institutions and its impact on student motivation has mentioned by Ali, Iqbal, Shahzad, Qadeer, and Khans (2011) in their journal. The main objective of this study to identify between positive and negative reinforcement practices in the rural and urban educational institutions in
Please click HERE for the full article.
A Correlational Study between Brain Hemisphericity and Academic Majors

This research was done by Amany Saleh and this article investigated the correlation between students' choice of academic majors and their brain hemisphericity. Research is needed to demonstrate the importance of understanding brain behavior as it relates to learning styles and personality traits. 429 graduate and undergraduate students in a university at the southern part of the United States were the participants of this study. The participants were asked to complete a demographic survey as well as McCarthy's Hemispheric Mode Indicator (HMI) instrument to determine each individual's brain hemisphericity. SPSS and SAS computerized statistical programs were employed. ANOVA was used to determine the influence of brain hemisphericity on students' choice of academic majors and the results of a one-way ANOVA indicate a significant difference between academic majors and brain hemisphericity. The results of the study are important in assist administrators in secondary schools and advisors in higher education to place students in programs that are well-matched with their interests and abilities.